Electronic Paper
aka: E-Paper or E-Ink
Displays of various sizes, typically of a few square inches, and mostly black on white. Some displays add one or more additional colors. The refresh speed is general several seconds or longer. One of the biggest advantages of these displays is that it will persist the last state drawn indefinitely without requiring any power.
2.9 Inch E-Paper Module
This specifically covers the Waveshare 2.9" 296x128 (Manual) with black and yellow on white. The manual refers to model "B" which is the same module using red in place of the yellow model "C" actually used here.
MicroPython library tested and used for demo https://github.com/rdagger/MicroPython-2.9-inch-ePaper-Library
BUSY 25 Black RST 26 White DC 27 Green CS 15 Orange CLK 14 Yellow DIN 13 Blue 0v GND Purple 3v3 VCC Grey